

by Peter Thomson


A blog series to get couples talking about their relationship. Marriage is awesome, don’t settle for anything less.
English below.



















 Welcome to ‘Marriage Partnership’


Want to drive a car? Then take a course, pass a test and get a license. Want to sell a house? Take a course, pass a test and get a license? Want to practice medicine? Go to school, pass tests and get a license. Sell stocks? Course, test, license. Cut hair? Course, test, license. Train a dog? Course, test, license.

Get married? “Fill out this form and put your stamp here.” Done.

The decision to marry someone is one of the biggest decisions we make in our lives, yet all that is required is to fill out forms at city hall. After that, it’s, “Congratulations! May you have much happiness in your life. Next in line…”

Getting married and having children, two of the most important decisions of life, require no course, training or license. We are left to figure things out on our own. Lucky couples will have seen good examples in their parents or others in their community. Most couples only have an idea of what they don’t want based on what they saw at home. Movies and media paint a romantic dream hardly attainable. Precious few have experienced couples that can come alongside to provide help and encouragement.

Seriously? One of the most important decisions we’ll make and after signing the papers, we leave it up to fate? Is signing papers all that’s needed for a successful marriage? No!

Marriage is more than the certificate we apply for! Marriage is not a one-time decision, it is a choice we make everyday. Marriage is about life! It is about joy and dreams. It is about understanding our partner and being understood. Marriage is amazing!

We require people to take a class to learn that ‘red means stop’ and ‘yellow means caution’ because we want them to arrive safely at their desired destination. Isn’t there something similar we can offer couples to help them as they embark on life’s journeys? Or, for those already married, assistance to couples that have gotten lost along the way?

This blog hopes to be just that. It is a collection of insights that will help a couple grow their marriage. It shares the experiences, good and bad, of married couples. It presents questions to generate thinking and discussions on marriage.

Marriage shouldn’t be left to chance or fate. Nor does it require a college degree. It does take common sense, hard work, patience and love. Marriage holds with it the promise of life and love fulfilled.

Read this blog together with your spouse. It will be more fun that way. It’s a simple blog, read it aloud to one another. Laugh with one another over the stories, even those of failure. Ask each otherthe questions. Answer honestly and respect what is shared. Dream together over the future, and then fight for those dreams to come true.

This blog is for all couples. You will find it helpful whether you are preparing for marriage, newly married, or well on the journey. It’s never too late to make a marriage better, don’t ever settle for ‘good enough’.

Enjoy your marriage to the fullest!

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