Flip Education Center


Flip English

Learn English in English!

Prepare for your future

Experience ‘empowering teamwork’, ‘out-of-the-box critical thinking’, and ‘holistic problem solving’.

Classes for all ages and levels!

From toddler to adult, beginner to advanced, we have classes for everyone.


Unleash your child’s creativity and ability through our hands-on lessons!

Make new friends

Have fun laughing and learning in our classrooms.

Fun Camps!

Explore science, technology, engineering, arts and math at Flip Camps!

FLIP Education Center Programs

Flip英語教室では、英語で英語を学びます。会話を中心にして、文法、スペル、読み方と書き方も楽しんで学びます。授業中に行う「サイエンスプロジェクト」も、工作も英語でやります。We help prepare for 英検 and school tests。自分の可能性を最大限に広げていく教育を目的としています。 Let’s learn English together and prepare yourself for the future!


New classes at Flip in April 2024!


Develop your speaking, listening, writing and reading skills!

Thursday Class 19:30-21:00

Adult and Bi-lingual classes! Enroll now!

Adult TOEIC Class

Achieve your goals!

This class is for students who would like to improve their English by taking the TOEIC test. Improve your score! Improve your speaking, writing, listening and reading! (Even if you do not  have plans to take the TOEIC test.)

In our TOIEC preparation class, we will systematically work to break down the TOEIC test into each of its seven parts in order to fully understand each section of the test. Each week, we will use practice test questions from each section to develop the skills necessary to improve your overall test score. While learning tips and tricks for the test, we will also review difficult grammar points as well as tricky vocabulary words in order to achieve the highest test scores possible.   

Saturday Class 11:30-12:30

'All In' English Immersion Courses at Flip!


100% English! English+STEAM=Fun Learning!
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)
Small class size! 

幼児・低学年から始められる無学年制の学習教室  です。ゆったりとした空間で、子どもたちと一緒に学習の冒険をしています。幼児・低学年から始められる無学年制の学習システムで一人ひとりの学習をサポートします。 毎日15分ほどのプリントで反復学習をしながらしっかりとした基礎学力を身につけます。子どもたちの「あっ!わかった!」の笑顔を増やします。教室行うパソコンや iPadを使っての学習は子どもたちに大人気の教材です。

Flip Education Center Staff

Peter Thomson

Peter Thomson


Kazumi Fujii

Kazumi Fujii


Mark Rowdon

Mark Rowdon


Laura Rowdon

Laura Rowdon

Community Engagement

Meiko Miyauchi

Meiko Miyauchi


Yuko Fujikio

Yuko Fujikio


Wendi Thomson

Wendi Thomson


Keishi Fujii

Keishi Fujii

Grow Life

Flip Education Center’s Vision

Our Vision

Raise the next generation by providing a ‘flipped’ education and family environment.

We seek to increase academic ability, strengthen self-confidence, and provide fun learning environments.
We achieve this by providing student-focused classes and engaging educational resources. 
We seek to integrate opportunities to experience ‘empowering teamwork’, ‘out-of-the-box critical thinking’, and ‘holistic problem solving’.

Our Mission

Flip Japan provides quality education resources, pursues innovation in education, and equips students to achieve their potential.

Our Values

Quality, care and generosity for all.

Flip endorses the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to make the world a better place. Learm more about what we are doing.

All content on this website is copyright protected. Materials may not be downloaded and placed on another website. No materials may be sold, electronically or in print format, for monetary gain. If sharing resources from our site, please link directly to our pages.